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Carrdus Governance

The principal responsibility of the board is to ensure that the School is run in accordance with its charitable objectives and that all the functions of the School are authorised by the powers provided by its Articles of Association, company and charity law and in relation to risk management and legal compliance. The strategy and development of the School is set by the Governors who approve the plans and budgets presented by the Headmistress and Bursar.

The Full Board meets once a term and is supported by the Finance and General Purposes, Education, Carrdus and Nominations Committees. Each Committee meets at least once a term and submits reports and recommendations to the Board, with the exception of the Audit Committee, which convenes at least once a year, and the Development and Design Committees, which convene as required. Tudor Hall School Enterprises Ltd papers are submitted to the Tudor Hall board for consideration. External professional advice is sought as and when necessary. The Trustees are all volunteers and their support is essential in ensuring that Tudor Hall School continues to thrive.

The Board seeks to ensure that its members provide the breadth and depth of experience to carry out its duties effectively and efficiently. It is important that the trustees have empathy with the objects, aims and ethos of the School; to achieve this the board is made up of independent members, Old Tudorians, current and ex-parents so as to maintain balance and perspective.

The day-to-day running of the School is delegated to the Headmistress and the Bursar who both attend the Board and relevant Committees, together with the Head of Carrdus School as appropriate. Other members of senior management attend relevant meetings as required.

Alison Darling, Chair of Governors, has 18 years' experience of school governance at four schools in both the independent and maintained sectors. Alison is Chair of Governors at her local primary school in Herefordshire and an advocate of single sex education for girls having been Co-Chair of Governors of the Kingsley School in Leamington Spa for over 10 years. She has seen schools and their communities through significant and often challenging periods of change. She has been responsible for initiating and leading governance self-reviews and ensuring the findings lead to better practice. Alison is a former Tudor Hall parent and believes she has both an understanding of parents' expectations when choosing a school for their daughter as well as knowledge and experience of the challenges facing our smaller independent schools.

Duncan Bailey, Chairman of the Carrdus Committee, now at Runnymede College, Madrid, was Headmaster of Cothill House - an Independent boarding school for boys aged 8-13. Before that he was Directeur at the Château de Sauveterre for 8 years. He began his teaching career at Eton College (where he had been a student) after language degrees at the University of Manchester, and then later, Vienna University. He is tri-lingual and a very keen sportsman and is a current parent at Tudor Hall.

Bob Lari is a Chartered Accountant with international experience in corporate finance. He has business interests in healthcare and property development and is currently a director of Godswell Park. Bob is a current parent.

Ben Evans, Headmaster at Windlesham House School.

Jennifer Scarfe, Whole School Safeguarding Lead, has worked in education for 16 years holding a variety of roles in both academic and pastoral capacities. The last 11 years have been spent in single sex education with her most recent position being Deputy Head Pastoral and Designated Safeguarding Lead at Badminton Girls’ School, Bristol. She has a keen interest in adolescent mental health and teaches the Youth Mental Health First Aid courses for Mental Health First Aid England. Her desire to see young people grow up to be happy, well-adjusted young adults has led to her securing a funded place to train as a Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, studying with the Tavistock and Portman. Outside of work she enjoys mountain biking and hiking with her husband in the region around their holiday home in Andalucía.


If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, Mrs Ali Darling, the postal address is:

C/o Clerk to the Governors 

Tudor Hall School

Wykham Park 



OX16 9UR


Or via email:


Company Details

Registered name: Tudor Hall School
Registered number: 2995266
Place of registration: England
Registered office: Wykham Park, Banbury,
Oxfordshire, OX16 9UR
Charity number: 1042783


Ignite your Curiosity

Carrdus School, Overthorpe Hall, Banbury, Oxon, OX17 2BS, United Kingdom - Directions

Telephone: +44 (0)1295 263733